Religious Education

The Religious Education Faculty meets the challenge and the vision of education in a faith perspective.
At O’Connor we teach the Diocesan Religious Education curriculum as mandated by Bishop Michael Kennedy of Armidale. Religious Education is a mandatory course of study where the learner is given formal and informal opportunities to grow in wisdom and faith. This is achieved through the curriculum, liturgy and the retreat program.
The goal for which we strive is that students being educated in our parish schools will mature in their understanding and practice of the faith of the Catholic Church in the areas of Knowledge, Worship and Christian Living (To Know, Worship and Love).
Religious Education participates in the Church’s mission of evangelisation, to announce the Good News of Jesus Christ. Religious Education also participates in the Church’s mission of catechesis, to hand on and share faith within the community of believers.
The Religious Education Department provides collaborative learning experiences that provide students and teachers with the opportunity to explore, experiment and be challenged in their thinking. Students are engaged in problem solving and critical thinking that encourages them to work creatively, developing skills and resilience. This enables them to use knowledge effectively, develop skills and gain deeper understandings of both the Catholic tradition and other religious traditions.
List of subjects offered in this KLA
- Year 7 – 10 Catholic Studies
- Year 11 Studies of Religion 1 unit
- Studies of Religion 2 unit
- Studies in Catholic Thought 1 unit
- Year 12 Studies of Religion 1 unit
- Studies of Religion 2 unit
- Catholic Studies 1 unit